Friday, June 22, 2012



Prepare for the 2012 Version of the Navajo Lake FAMILY REUNION!
July 27th through 29th 2012.

Get in contact with all your family members and make sure this is, once again, a BIG BLAST.
We have been working to improve tent spots, please give me an idea of tent sizes.
What fun we have viewing any and all entries in the Snodgress Family Video Festival, so make sure you have your entry on zip drive.

 FRIDAY night is BYOPIZZA & MOVIE at the CABIN.   If each family brings the frozen pizza they would need, U Kev will have the huge ovens ready to go. There will be plenty of salad and breadsticks to share.  

 SATURDAY is traditional all day Tournament, Quilt Art, Children Rock Art, ZipLine fun!

             SUNDAY after breakfast, how about a family hike to Cascade Falls  Or a Scavenger-Type hunt with teams picked by age or!?!?!  Can you see I am looking for Ideas here?

Reminder:  The cabins are at 9,300 elevation, so do yourselves and your kids a favor and HYDRATE BEFORE and DURING the event.   Both Pedealite, Gatorade have electrolytes and being sufficiently hydrated will help with general well being and reducing or eliminating the high altitude headaches that affect so many.

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